Senate Measure Opens Eligibility for Senior Citizen Rent Increase Exemption

Martin Malavé Dilan

June 3, 2009

Law excludes certain medical expenses from income

(Albany, NY)—Senator Martin Malavé Dilan (D-Brooklyn) is celebrating the recent passage of Senate bill, 2210, that deducts the amount of any unreimbursed out-of-pocket medical and prescription drug expenses from the Senior Rent Increase Exemption (SCRIE) program’s annual income calculation.

“This bill extends SCRIE program eligibility to more seniors, as they will not be forced to choose between health or home. As these health expenses will no longer push seniors out of eligibility, they can rest assured their rent will not skyrocket beyond their means,” said Senator Dilan.

Under the program, when a landlord raises the rent, seniors enrolled in SCRIE are exempt from such increases. In turn, the landlord recoups the difference in the form of an equivalent credit on his or her property taxes.

Currently SCRIE is extended to New York City seniors 62 or older, living in a rent controlled or stabilized apartment or residential hotel, and have a disposable household income of $28,000 or less.

“Given the financial climate, this is a welcomed measure to help keep seniors in the communities they have come to know and love. SCRIE is the best defense thousands of senior home owners all across New York City have against being driven from their homes at the hands of increasing housing expenses,” said Senator Dilan.

The bill has also passed the Assembly and is awaiting action by the Governor.