Senator Nozzolio Calls the Proposed New York State Budget a Total Disaster: Record Spending Increases and Tax Hikes, with No Reform
Michael F. Nozzolio
March 29, 2009
Albany- Calling the proposed New York State Budget a total economic disaster, Senator Mike Nozzolio today urged Governor Paterson and Legislative Leaders to scrap their record spending and taxing proposals, and open the budget process to greater public scrutiny.
“A $132 billion budget proposal that increases spending by almost 10%, seven times the inflation rate; raises income taxes by as much as 31%; eliminates STAR rebates and fails to provide property tax relief; increases all New Yorkers’ cost of health insurance, and raises our energy bills; establishes over $9 billion of new taxes and fees; and provides no mandate relief or local government reform, is a formula for further job losses and economic disaster,” said Senator Nozzolio.
“This budget will drive jobs out of our State, and have a devastating impact on our State’s economy for years to come”, continued Senator Nozzolio. For New York State to hit individuals, families, homeowners and small businesses with massive tax hikes at this time guarantees our State will remain mired in the economic recession longer than any other State in America.”
“It is little wonder this budget was hatched under a cloud of secrecy, because it is a total disaster that will lead to further job layoffs and pull us into a deeper recession. Governor Paterson, Assembly Speaker Silver, and Senate Majority Leader Smith are all from New York City, and they developed in secret the most fiscally irresponsible plan, deeply hurtful to Upstate New York, without public input, without meaningful legislative scrutiny or open and thorough debate,” Senator Nozzolio concluded. “The three New York City men in a room budget proposal should not be approved, and we are only one vote away from defeating it in the New York State Senate.”