Espada Surprises Tenants: Unexpected Drop-In, Unexpected Announcement on Vacancy Decontrol

Pedro Espada, Jr.

May 12, 2009

State Sen. Pedro Espada, Jr. (D-Bronx), today won favor, and a standing ovation, with the Working Families Party, ACORN and several other tenant advocacy groups when he unexpectedly dropped in on their Albany press conference-rally and announced that major legislative initiatives that protect Mitchell Lama, New York City Housing Authority and rent regulated tenants -- including proposed legislation that would repeal vacancy decontrol -- will be acted on before the current legislative session is over.

"You have an affordable housing champion in me, Senate Majority Leader Malcolm Smith and the Senate Democratic Majority Conference," said Espada, the state's highest-ranking Hispanic elected official and Chairman of the powerful Senate Standing Committee on Housing, Construction and Community Development.

"During this time of economic crisis, we must be especially vigilant in protecting the rights of rent-regulated tenants and stepping up our efforts to protect, preserve and construct new affordable housing for low-income and middle and working class families," said Espada, a product of South Bronx public Housing.