Sen. Duane Announces Public Roundtable on Patient-Centered Medical Homes
Thomas K. Duane
November 30, 2009
- Health Care
Thomas K. Duane, Chair
SUBJECT: Patient-centered medical homes in New York State
PURPOSE: Discussion on how New York State can improve and strengthen the medical home model
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
250 Broadway, 19th Floor
New York City
The patient-centered medical home model facilitates partnerships between individual patients, their families and their personal physicians. In many cases, a patient-centered home can provide care that patients need in a manner that is both culturally and linguistically appropriate. To begin a dialogue around the issues of maintaining and developing patient-centered medical homes, Senator Thomas K. Duane, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Health, will hold a public roundtable on December 15th in New York City.
Among the topics to be addressed at this stakeholders meeting are the experiences of current patient-centered medical home initiatives across the state, their successes and challenges, of Department of Health initiatives to support patient-centered medical homes. Ultimately, the goal of the roundtable meeting is to identify ways that the legislature can be helpful in strengthening the medical home model in New York State.
Persons invited to the roundtable should complete the roundtable reply form below and return as indicated as soon as possible, but no later than Tuesday, December 8, 2009. It is important that the form be fully completed and returned so that persons may be notified in the event of emergency postponement or cancellation.
Invitees who would like to submit materials for consideration at the roundtable should submit their information along with the reply form as soon as possible. Fifteen copies of materials should be submitted at the roundtable registration table. All written documents, should be e-mailed (as a Word or PDF document) before the hearing or as soon as possible after the hearing to: Allison Jacobs, ajacobs@senate.state.ny.us.
In order to meet the needs of those who may have a disability, the Senate works to make their facilities and services available to all individuals with disabilities. For individuals with disabilities, accommodations will be provided, upon reasonable request, to afford such individuals access and admission to Senate and Assembly facilities and activities.
Questions about this hearing may be directed to Denise Soffel of the Senate Health Committee at 212-633-8052 or denise@tomduane.com.
Persons invited to present materials at the public roundtable on “Patient-centered medical homes in New York State” are requested to complete this reply form by Tuesday, December 8, and mail, email or fax it to:
Alison Jacobs
New York State Senate
433 Capitol, Albany, NY 12247
(t) 518-455-2630, (f) 518-426-6703
I plan to attend the following public roundtable on patient-centered medical homes in New York State conducted by the Senate Committee on Health on December 15.
I plan to submit materials for discussion at this roundtable. I will provide 15 copies of my prepared statement.
My materials will address the following subjects:
I do not plan to attend the above roundtable.
I would like to be added to the Committee mailing list for notices and reports.
I would like to be removed from the Committee mailing list.
I will require assistance and/or handicapped accessibility information.
Please specify the type of assistance required: _________________________________________
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