Senator Bill Larkin (R-C, Cornwall-on-Hudson) along with Members of the State Senate Republican Conference today proposed an amendment to budget legislation being advanced on the Senate floor that would restore $1.45 billion in property tax relief for New York’s middle class homeowners. Senate Democrats voted to defeat the amendment.
The budget plan being advanced by the Governor and legislative leaders completely eliminates the STAR property tax rebate checks, placing and additional burden on homeowners struggling with rising property taxes across the state.
“I am disappointed to see the STAR rebate check program removed from this year's budget, said Senator Bill Larkin. “These rebate checks helped provide relief to citizens who pay the highest property taxes in the nation. When families and seniors are having to tighten their belts and are struggling to make ends meet, it is just plain wrong to not provide relief from the financial burden being imposed upon them,” said Larkin.
Senate Republicans initiated the STAR rebate check program, which provides a yearly check mailed directly to homeowners to help ease the burden of skyrocketing property taxes, in 2006.
The amendment proposed today would have provided an additional $368.64 million in relief for homeowners on Long Island; $305.82 for the Hudson Valley; $187.96 million for New York City; $177.76 million for Central New York; $141.56 for Western New York; $140.09 million for the Capital Region and North Country; and $130.84 million for Rochester.