Senator Larkin Calls for Hearings on Governor’s Mta Nominee
William J. Larkin Jr.
July 21, 2009
Senator Bill Larkin (R-C, Cornwall-on-Hudson) today called for the Senate to conduct expedited public hearings on Jay Walder, the Governor’s nominee to chair the Metropolitan Transit Authority.
“The MTA is in need of a leader who can make tough decisions and will treat all counties within the MTA’s service area in a fair and equitable manner,” said Senator Larkin, “My constituents and I are concerned about whether or not Mr. Walder can provide this leadership.”
Walder, a former transit leader in London, was nominated by Governor Paterson to chair the MTA earlier this month. To date, no hearings have been scheduled to give Senators an opportunity to question Walder.
Senator Larkin, who is a member of both the Senate Transportation Committee and Finance Committee, said that hearings should be held as soon as possible so the full Senate could vote on Walder’s nomination when session is reconvened.
“I urge the chairs of the Senate Finance and Transportation Committees to schedule hearings as soon as possible so we can determine if Mr. Walder is the right individual to lead the MTA.”