Senator Thompson To Speak At “Clean Diesel – Clean Air: New York State Retrofit Day”
For Immediate Release: March 22, 2010
Contact: Heather Zeisz | | 716.854.8705
Albany, NY- New York State Senator Antoine M. Thompson (D-Parts of Erie & Niagara Counties), will be the featured speaker at the “Clean Diesel – Clean Air: New York State Retrofit Day” on the “mosaic” outside of the Legislative Office Building in Albany on March 23rd at 11:00AM.
“As Chair of the Environmental Conservation Committee, it is very important to encourage the retrofitting of New York’s diesel trucks,” state Senator Antoine M. Thompson. “Not only will this help to reduce emissions into the environment, it will also support the creation of green jobs.”
Senator Thompson will be speaking on the New York State Diesel Emissions Reduction Act of 2006 and the importance of joining forces with the legislature to create an incentive program for the retrofitting of diesel engines during the 2010 Legislative Session.
This event is sponsored by Caterpillar, the American Lung Association of NY, the New York Public Interest Research Group (NYPIRG), National Resource Defense Council (NRDC), Corning Cummins and the Diesel Technology Forum.
Who: New York State Senator Antoine M. Thompson
Chair of the Environmental Conservation Committee
What: Clean Diesel – Clean Air: New York State Retrofit Day
Where: The Mosaic – Empire State Plaza - Albany, NY
Outside of the Legislative Office Building
When: Tuesday, March 23, 2010, 11:00 AM