Senator Fuschillo Congratulates Local Students for Completing His Summertime Reading Program

Charles J. Fuschillo Jr.

September 8, 2010

Senator Charles J. Fuschillo, Jr. (R-Merrick) today congratulated the over 200 students who completed his annual summertime reading program.

“Reading is a skill that will benefit students throughout their lives, which is why it is so important for them to develop a love for reading and practice it throughout the year. It’s great to see so many students participate in this program. I congratulate them on a job well done,” said Senator Fuschillo.

The annual program is open to elementary school students in Senator Fuschillo’s district and encourages them to continue reading outside of school during the summer months. Children that participated in the program had to read at least three books during the summer months, write a description of them in the “Summer Reading Journal,” and return it to Senator Fuschillo’s office.

Each of the students will receive a certificate from Senator Fuschillo congratulating them on completing the program.
