Senator Fuschillo Helps Local Residents “Shed the Meds”
Charles J. Fuschillo Jr.
April 26, 2010
Program Collects Barrels Full of Expired or Unwanted Medications for Safe Disposal
Residents from all across the south shore filled several barrels with their expired and unwanted medications as part of a “Shed the Meds” program sponsored by New York State Senator Charles J. Fuschillo, Jr. (R-Merrick).
The program, which Senator Fuschillo sponsored as part of the Village of Massapequa Park’s annual Earth Day Celebration, enabled residents to safely dispose of their expired or unwanted medications. Throwing out medications improperly by flushing them in the toilet or pouring them down the drain leads to pollution of local waterways.
In addition to protecting the environment, the “Shed the Meds” program will help keep medications out of the hands of young children or others who would use them improperly. All medications collected through the program were taken by Officers from the Nassau County Police Department for safe disposal.
Senator Fuschillo (pictured right), along with Assemblyman Joe Saladino (R-Massapequa, pictured left), show just a few of the barrels full of expired and unwanted medications that were collected through the “Shed the Meds” program.