Senator Fuschillo, Senator Hannon, Assemblyman Conte, Assemblyman Saladino, and Legislator Belesi Call on County Executive Levy to Abandon Plans to House Sex Offenders in East Farmingdale
Charles J. Fuschillo Jr.
January 8, 2010
“As elected officials who represent the Farmingdale community, we are calling on Suffolk County Executive Steve Levy to abandon plans to build sex offender housing in the East Farmingdale area.
According to news reports, Suffolk County is considering three sites in East Farmingdale’s industrial area as locations to house homeless sex offenders.
This is of major concern because East Farmingdale’s commercial area is comprised of many businesses which are geared toward children. East Farmingdale is home to entertainment arcades and theme parks, movie theaters, a bowling alley, a miniature golf course, chain restaurants, and a host of other venues frequented by children.
In addition, there are public, private, and nursery schools located within the community, all of which could face new safety challenges if numerous convicted sex offenders are brought to live in the community.
Given these safety concerns for children and families in the East Farmingdale community, County Executive Levy should prevent these sex offender housing sites from being placed in East Farmingdale.”