Senator Squadron Applauds Governor for Signing “Bruno Gap” Bill Into Law, Pushes for Immediate Progress on Comprehensive Reform

Daniel L. Squadron

February 12, 2010

Today, State Senator Daniel Squadron released the following statement upon Governor Paterson’s signing of S6439 (Squadron)/A9559 (Silver), the “Bruno Gap” bill:

“In Albany, the struggle for reform is slow, and true steps forward are rare.  That's why I am pleased that today Governor Paterson signed into law the bill I wrote with Speaker Sheldon Silver to close the "Bruno Gap" in state ethics law, making it illegal for a public officer to use government resources for outside, for-profit business.

“Since the day I took office I have been fighting for ethics legislation to improve our failing laws.  While the signing of this law is a step toward reform, there is no question that much more is needed.  In addition to closing the "Bruno Gap," we must strengthen disclosure of income, create independent oversight of ethics, and enact stronger campaign finance laws.

“The fact is, despite all the talk of the last months, this is the first ethics reform that has become law. I urge Governor Paterson to work with the Senate and Assembly to quickly reach agreement on a comprehensive ethics reform package that will actually become law.  If the commitment to ethics reform ends with today's bill-signing, it will be more Albany business-as-usual, and a step backward for state government.”