Squadron/Schimminger Bill to Crack Down on Problem Nightspots Signed by Governor Into Law
Daniel L. Squadron
August 17, 2010
New Law Allows SLA to Revoke Licenses After
Police Refer 6 or More Noise or Disorder Incidents in 60 Days
New York, NY—State Senator Daniel Squadron announced that on Sunday, Governor Paterson signed into law his bill that will help the State Liquor Authority (SLA) crack down on nightlife operators who routinely violate noise laws, fail to control unruly crowds and repeatedly draw police attention. The new law, sponsored in the Assembly by Assembly Member Robin Schimminger, allows the SLA to revoke a liquor license from a nightlife operator for which police have referred six or more noise or disorder incidents to the SLA within a 60-day period, establishing a clear standard for determining when an establishment has become subject to repeated police attention. Senator Squadron said,
“For too long, our communities have been kept up at all hours of the night by a few nightlife operators who fail to control noise and unruly crowds. This new law gives police officers the tools they need to protect our communities against those who repeatedly violate the law. I thank Assembly Member Schimminger for his hard work in pushing for this legislation, as well as Governor Paterson for signing the bill into law.”