Aubertine Secures $15k to Help Town of Watertown Ambulance Service Purchase Equipment to Save Lives, Money

Darrel J. Aubertine

September 21, 2010

WATERTOWN (September 21, 2010)—State Sen. Darrel J. Aubertine today visited the Town of Watertown Ambulance Service, Inc., on Route 3 to take a look at some of the safety and communications equipment the service has purchased thanks to a $15,000 legislative grant he secured.

“This equipment means quicker response times and more efficient patient care, which will save lives and save money. The equipment we purchased with this grant allows us to deliver health care in the field saving money on hospital care,” said David Roof, president of the Town of Watertown Ambulance Service. “We’ve been working to secure money for this since 2007, and when we came to Senator Aubertine he made it happen. Senator Aubertine understood and was able to make sure the money was there and it is a very good grant for us. Obviously he understands what’s going on with EMS and knows there’s a great need. It’s nice to know the money is going where it is really needed.”

The volunteer ambulance service is using the grant to purchase advanced medical equipment, including a continuous positive air pressure machine for patients with COPD, bronchitis or other conditions that make breathing difficult, and an intraosseous gun that can give injections directly into bone marrow for patients who have difficulty receiving intravenous injections. The ambulance service also purchased items to equip a second ambulance to respond to calls and the communications equipment this grant will help pay for includes mobile radios for vehicles, portable radios for members and pagers to better access volunteer personnel.

“Any time you can be a part of helping our volunteers serve the public and save lives, it’s certainly a proud moment,” Sen. Aubertine said. “The good people here at the Town of Watertown Ambulance Service give of themselves every day to protect this community and this equipment will help them continue to do the work they do. We’re all grateful for the service of our first responders and there is no way to overstate the importance of volunteers who are willing to serve.”

Mr. Roof said that he is also grateful to the Senator for securing the member item that was used to create the North Country Grant Search Web site through SUNY Canton, which was rolled out in January. The Senator has a link to the site through a button on the left side of his Senate Web site

“We’re very appreciative of this Web site,” Mr. Roof said. “It’s a great resource. It’s very helpful for our research to find places to get help.”
