Aubertine UTV Bill Passes Senate
Darrel J. Aubertine
May 12, 2010
- Legislative Commission on Rural Resources

Bill redefines ATV in state law to make side-by-side vehicles legal up to 1,500lbs
ALBANY (May 12, 2010)—The New York State Senate today passed by a 52-9 vote legislation sponsored by Sen. Aubertine (S.4277) that would allow all-terrain vehicle riders to legally register and ride utility trail vehicles on trail systems throughout the state.
“Allowing riders to legally register side-by-sides and other UTVs here in New York State gives many families and older riders new opportunities to use our trail systems and enjoy the outdoors with a passenger,” Sen. Aubertine said. “This legislation will increase revenue for the state through new registrations, help our economy with increased sales, and help law enforcement deal with the growing popularity of these vehicles. Many riders have them on the trails now and register them in other states because they want to comply with the law in some way. This bill gives them that opportunity.”
Law enforcement officials and riders from across the state, including Oswego, Jefferson and St. Lawrence counties, have asked Sen. Aubertine to carry this legislation. It would limit ATVs to 70 inches wide and increase the dry weight limit for ATVs from 1,000 lbs to 1,500 lbs, making side-by-sides and other utility terrain vehicles used on farms and for work purposes legal for registration with the state Department of Motor Vehicles. Like other ATVs, these vehicles would remain limited for use on trails and private property.
This increased weight limit for these slower vehicles would increase revenues brought in by registrations, open up markets for these vehicles and clear up confusion for law enforcement. The New York State Off-Highway Recreational Vehicle Association and the New York Farm Bureau support this bill. A companion bill is in committee in the Assembly.
“UTVs are popular for work on our farms, with seniors and families,” Sen. Aubertine. “These are larger, but also slower vehicles, designed for off-road use that should be legal to register when other states, including Pennsylvania register these vehicles.”