
Senate Passes Resolution Honoring Fallen Fort Drum Soldiers
Darrel J. Aubertine
May 26, 2010
- Military Affairs

Aubertine: Recognizing those who have made ultimate sacrifice honors all in armed service
ALBANY (May 26, 2010)—The New York State Senate today passed a resolution honoring the soldiers assigned to Fort Drum who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country in combat in Iraq War and Afghanistan. The resolution was introduced by Senator Darrel J. Aubertine to honor the 302 soldiers in anticipation of Memorial Day.
“Every Memorial Day, we’re asked to remember those who have lost their lives for our freedom,” Sen. Aubertine said. “Since the first Decoration Day here in New York after the Civil War to today, countless numbers of our best and brightest from New York and across this nation have given all that they have to protect our freedom and way of life. This resolution honors the Fort Drum soldiers who died in combat over the past eight years, but in doing so it honors all who serve in our armed forces.”
The Senate resolution recognizes the courage and bravery of our military personnel since the U.S. Army began Operation Iraqi Freedom as they continue to push our nation’s ideals of democracy and defend liberty, along with the valiant soldiers serving in Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan. The resolution, which was put together in cooperation with Fort Drum command, covers all soldiers who have died in combat up to April 30.
“The soldiers and their families who are assigned to the 10th Mountain Division and Fort Drum make the North Country their home,” Sen. Aubertine said. “The base is a large part of our county and the 10th Mountain Division is a critical part of our armed forces as the most deployed division in our country’s military. In our communities we are constantly reminded of the sacrifices our troops make for all of us. “
“Just last week, we were reminded again when we learned that two more soldiers, a pair of lieutenants, from Fort Drum lost their lives. Their service and sacrifice, like those whose names are in this resolution, will not be forgotten,” the Senator added. “These tragedies drive home the point of how much is at stake for our soldiers and their families, and why it is so important to commend each and every soldier for their selfless act of serving to protect our way of life.”
Spc. Laskinda D. Braden, Staff Sgt. Eric D. Hall, Pfc. William J. Hamm, Sgt. Jose A. Murillo, Spc. Shawn K. Murphy, Sgt. Maj. Charles R. Nelson, Pfc. Carlos E. Ramirez, Pfc. Billy J. South, Sgt. Maj. Phillip R. Albert, Sgt. Glenn R. Allison, Capt. Stephen J. Belli, Capt. Christopher E. Britton, Pfc. Matthew T. Chriswell, Sgt. John L. Eichenlaub Jr., Spc. Chad E. Fuller, Cpl. Benjamin G. Green, Sgt. Joshua M. Harapko, Spc. John K. Kinesmith Jr., Spc. Shawn A. Mayerscik, Pvt. Michael R. Meyer, Chief Warrant Officer Kenneth L. Miller, Pfc. Evan W. O'Neill, Staff Sgt. Brian L. Pavlich, Pfc. Kerry D. Scott, Spc. Barry M. Stephens, Pfc. Andrew D. Stev ens, Pfc. Stryder O. Stoutenburg, Pfc. Adam L. Thomas, 2nd Lt. Richard Torres, Sgt. Lucas V. Tripp, Pfc. Tommy C. Young, Sgt. Brandon E. Adams, Spc. Brian K. Baker, Pvt. Carlos A. Brenes, Staff Sgt. Shawn M. Clemens, Spc. Robert J. Cook, Chief Warrant Officer Patrick D. Dorff, 1st Lt. Jason L. Dowdy, 2nd Lt. Seth J. Dvorin, Spc. Marc S. English, Sgt. Michael J. Esposito Jr., Sgt. Benjamin I. Gilman, Sgt. Nicholes D. Golding, Chief Warrant Officer Brian D. Hazelgrove, Command Sgt. Maj. Dennis Jallah Jr., Staff Sgt. Anthony S. Lagman, Spc. James P. Lambert, Sgt. Dale T. Lloyd, Spc. Ramon Mata Jr., Spc. Tameka N. McFarqu har, Capt. Adam G. Mooney, Pfc. Charles C. Persing, Spc. Henry C. Risner, Pvt. Terrence R. Roney, Spc. Richard H. Rosas, Sgt. Justin A. Scott, Spc. Brandon T. Titus, Sgt. Christopher A. Wagener, and Pvt. David L. Waters, Sgt. Joseph B. Armstrong, Sgt. Michael J. Balnius, Spc. Michael A. Benson, Pfc. Charles S. Cooper Jr., Spc. Darren A. DeBlanc, Maj. Douglas W. Duecker, Spc. Toccara R. Green, Spc. Casey E. Howe, Lt. Col. Leon G. James, Sgt. Lindsey T. James, Spc. Jeff Lebrun, Staff Sgt. Robert A. Lepage, 1st Lt. Adam Malson, Spc. Dwayne J. McFarlane, Spc. James S. Moudy, Staff Sgt. David E. Rutledge, Sgt. Kurt D. Schamberg, Sgt. James D. Stewart, Master Sgt. Tulsa T. Tuliau, Chief Warrant Officer Shane A. Whitmer, Spc. Aaron J. Williams, Sgt. Lonnie C. Allen, Pvt. Michael V. Bailey, Spc. Fernando Barajas, Pvt. Joseph R. Blake, Pfc. Brian J. Bradbury, Sgt. Bryan A. Brewster, Spc. Armer N. Burkart, Cpl. Bobby T. Callahan, Chief Warrant Officer Mitchell K. Carver Jr., Staff Sgt. Robert J. Chiomento, Pfc. Eric D. Clark, Cpl. Jeremiah S. Cole, Pfc. Nicholas R. Cournoyer, Pfc. Justin R. Davis, Sgt. Jason C. Denfrund, Sgt. Jeremy E. DePottey, Chief Warrant Officer Christopher B. Donaldson, Spc. Robert E. Drawl Jr., Spc. Kasper A. Dudkiewicz, Sgt. Russell M. Durgin, Cpl. Kevin F. Edgin, 1st Lt. Forrest P. Ewens, Spc. Clay P. Farr, Lt. Col. Joseph J. Fenty Jr., Cpl. J. Adan Garcia, Spc. Rogelio R. Garza Jr., Spc. Nathaniel A. Given, Spc. Bobbie J. Gonzales, Pfc. Satieon V. Greenlee, Sgt. John C. Griffith, Cpl. Aaron M. Griner, Pfc. Thomas J. Hewett, Sgt. David M. Hierholzer, Pfc. Ethan J. Hockman, Staff Sgt. Gary E. Holland, Staff Sgt. Christopher T. Howick, Spc. Joshua U. Humble, Chief Warrant Officer Kyle E. Jackson, Sgt. Wakkuna A. Jackson, Sgt. Robert P. Kassin, Capt. Benjamin D. Keating, Staff Sgt. Dwayne P. Lewis, Pvt. Phillip L. Linden, Cpl. Jason A. Lucas, Staff Sgt. Patrick L. Lybert, Sgt. Charles J. McClain, Sgt. Christopher P. Messer, Spc. Jared C. Monti, Pfc. Keith J. Moore, Pfc. Brian M. Moquin Jr., Spc. Edward W. Nelson, Pvt. Keith M. Nolan, Sgt. Curtis L. Norris, Pfc. Alex Oceguera, Spc. Justin L. O'Donohoe, Sgt. Roger P. Pena Jr., Pfc. Daniel Reyes, Cpl. Fernando C. Robinson, Pfc. Nicholas K. Rogers, Staff Sgt. Abraham C. Ruvalcaba, Sgt. Ian T. Sanchez, 1st Lt. Robert A. Seidel III, Spc. Joshua D. Sheppard, Cpl. Christopher F. Sitton, Maj. Douglas E. Sloan, Pfc. Andrew R. Small, Pfc. Stephen P. Snowberger III, Pfc. James P. White Jr., Sgt. Jeffery S. Wiekamp, Cpl. Derek A. Stanley, Spc. Justin M. Suerdieck, Pvt. Tyson A. Tedder, Spc. David N. Timmons, Jr., Chief Warrant Officer Eric W. Totten, Cpl. Angelo J. Vaccaro, Pfc. Joseph J. Anzack Jr., Staff Sgt. Jason R. Arnette, Staff Sgt. Travis W. Atkins, Sgt. Nathan S. Barnes, Pfc. Matthew A. Bean, Cpl. Ray M. Bevel, Spc. Ryan A. Bishop, Spc. James D. Connell, Sgt. Richard V. Correa, Pvt. Isaac T. Cortes, Pfc. Daniel W. Courneya, Staff Sgt. Carletta S. Davis, Sgt. Shawn M. Dunkin, Staff Sgt. Terrence D. Dunn, Spc. Wilfred Flores Jr., Sgt. Mick el D. Garrigus, Spc. Benjamin J. Garrison, Cpl. Jeremy R. Greene, Cpl. Lorne E. Henry Jr., Pvt. Bryon D. Henson, Pvt. Gabriel Hernandez Zapata, Sgt. Edelman L. Hernandez, Capt. Roselle M. Hoffmaster, Pfc. George J. Howell, Pfc. Matthew C. Bowe, Sgt. William G. Bowling, Pfc. Brian A. Browning, Spc. Jonathan D. Cadavero, Chief Warrant Officer Gabriel M. Caron, Pfc. Adare W. Cleveland, Staff Sgt. Steven R. Tudor, Sgt. Gary M. Underhill, Staff Sgt. Eric R. Vick, Spc. James J. Weber, Staff Sgt. Joseph M. Weiglein, Spc. Christopher M. Wilson, Sgt. Justin D. Wisniewski, Spc. John J. Young, Pfc. Daniel K. Richardson, Sgt. Patrick S. Rust, Sgt. Paul T. Sanchez, Sgt. Anthony J. Schober, Sgt. Jason A. Schumann, 1st Lt. Neale M. Shank, Pvt. Daren A. Smith, Sgt. Richard A. Soukenka, Sgt. Derek T. Stenroos, Staff Sgt. Keoki W. Suerth, Pvt. Nathan Z. Thacker, Pfc. Richard W. Therrien, Spc. Carlos F. Thompson, Pvt. Tue M. Tran, Spc. Raymond N. Mitchell III, Chief Warrant Officer Dwayne L. Moore, Pfc. Adam J. Muller, Pfc. Christopher E. Murphy, Sgt. Steven M. Packer, Sgt. Austin D. Pratt, Spc. Jeremy J. LaClair, Capt. Kevin C. Landeck, Sgt. Thomas L. Latham, Staff Sgt. John D. Linde, Sgt. Robert M. McDowell, and Staff Sgt. David A. Mejias, Pfc. Jack T. Sweet, Sgt. Timothy R. VanOrman, Sgt. Lawrence L. Holloway, Spc. Ritchie A. Morgan, Cpl. James Gudridge, Pfc. Tam Nguyen, Sgt. Timothy M. Smith, Sgt. Mark A. Stone, Sgt. Cody R. Legg, Pvt. Justin J. Kennie, Staff Sgt. Alex R. Jimenez, Spc. David R. Hurst, Staff Sgt. Wesley G. Hunter, Spc. Arturo Huerta-Cruz, Pfc. Michael Harford, Chief Warrant Officer Alexander D. Gilchrist, Pfc. Patrick W. May, Spc. Marcus C. Mathes, Spc. Jeffery F. Nichols, Staff Sgt. Tyler E. Pickett, Sgt. Joseph A. Richard III, Sgt. Shane P. Duffy, Spc. Jonathan D. Emard, Pfc. Byron W. Fouty, Staff Sgt. Stephen J. Goodman, and Staff Sgt. Jamal H. Raines, Sgt. Jerry Evans, Spc. Andrew J. Roughton, Spc. Matthew Swanson, Pfc. Anthony M. Lightfoot, Sgt. Gregory Owens, Spc. Justin D. Coleman, Pfc. Dennis Pratt, Staff Sgt. Eric James Lindstron, Pfc. Brian M. Wolverton, Spc. Justin Pellerin, Sgt. Darby T. Morin, Spc. Abraham S. Wheeler III, Spc. Daniel L. Cox, Staff Sgt. Nekl B. Allen, Sgt. Aaron Smith, Chief Warrant Officer Philip E. Windorski, Pfc. Matthew W. Wilson, Spc. Diego Valbuena, Spc. Marko M. Samson, Pvt. David E. Thomas, Chief Warrant Officer Joshua M. Tillery, Chief Warrant Officer Benjamin H. Todd, Spc. Israel Saucedo, Pfc. Jeremiah J. Monroe, Staff Sgt. Dustin J. McMillen, Spc. Alexander J. Miller, Sgt. Raul Moncada, Sgt. Rodrigo A. Munguia-Rivas, Sgt. Jasper K. Obakrairur, Pfc. Matthew D. Ogden, Spc. Travis Picantine, Spc. Clay M. Rance, Pfc. Andrew G. Rawls, Pfc. Michael A. Rogers, Sgt. Carlie M. Lee III, Spc. Waide T. James, Sgt. Brian E. Johnson, Chief Warrant Officer Matthew G. Kelley, Sgt. Terry J. Lynch, Pfc. Peter K. Cross, Spc. Robert Charlton, Spc. Emanual L. Blanding, Spc. Justin T. Antisdel, Spc. Adam J. Hardt, Staff Sgt. Dennis Hansen, Staff Sgt. Jeffrey A. Hall, Pfc. Brandon B. Gallow, Spc. Joshua Farris, and Staff Sgt. Esau I. De La Pena Hernandez; and in the year 2010-Spc. Robert M. Rieckhoff, Spc. Alan N. Dikcis, Spc. Dirk S. Terpstra, Spc. Robert A. Cheever, Pvt. Thomas E. Hodge II, Spc. Brushaun X. Anderson, Staff Sgt. Cody R. Anderson, and Spc. Randall Landstedt.