Statement by Senate Republican Leader Dean Skelos

Dean G. Skelos

November 29, 2010


I am very proud to say that my colleagues in the Senate Republican conference have unanimously voted for me to be the Temporary President and Majority Leader of  the State Senate.


I appreciate their support and their trust. Our conference is unified and we are ready to move forward. The election is over and the people want us to get to work and govern.


The last two years the taxpayers in this state have been abused – and that has to stop. Everyone has to understand that we must put the taxpayer first.


Every member of our conference, including the 7 new members, campaigned on the issues of cutting spending, no new taxes and fees and creating jobs – those are going to be our priorities going forward.


We are looking forward to working with Governor-elect Andrew Cuomo, Speaker Silver and all the members of the Legislature to achieve these goals.

