Statement by Senate Republican Leader Dean Skelos

Dean G. Skelos

May 17, 2010

It has been a personal honor and a pleasure to serve in the State Senate with Tom Morahan.  He has established a tremendous record of public service representing the lower Hudson Valley.  


Tom Morahan is a passionate advocate for the mentally disabled. The people in the mental health community always knew they could count on him.  His work on important issues such as Timothy’s Law and Kendra’s Law truly made a difference and touched the lives of many mentally disabled individuals and their families


Senator Morahan is a tireless worker and a strong and tough voice for the people he represents, and I know he will use the remainder of his term to continue to fight for his constituents and the issues he has championed.


As Tom battles cancer and works to regain his health, I join my colleagues in wishing our good friend the very best in the future.  

