Senator Diane Savino Urges Community to Help 9/11 Rescue Worker with Leukemia

February 8, 2010
Contact: Ana Tinsly
(646) 331-4765
*******PRESS RELEASE**********
Senator Diane Savino Urges Community to Help 9/11 Rescue Worker with Leukemia
Best hope of match among Italian Americans, especially Sicilian descent
(New York)—Senator Diane Savino today urged the community, especially Italian Americans of Sicilian descent, to come to the aide of Sergeant Michael Costanza, a member of the MTA police, who has been diagnosed with Leukemia. Sergeant Costanza, only 34 years old, with two young children, is a member of the NYPD and one of the many altruistic individuals who spent months at Ground Zero sorting through the rubble for survivors after September 11th, as well as aiding in the cleanup process.
Both of his siblings have already been tested but, unfortunately, they are not a match.
“It is our turn to come together as a community as a show of gratitude for Sergeant Costanza’s selfless work in the aftermath of the terrible tragedy of September 11. We can show his family that miracles can indeed happen,” said Senator Diane J. Savino.
This Saturday, February 27th, the Police Benevolent Association and the Columbus Citizen’s Foundation will be sponsoring a bone marrow testing drive at the Vanderbilt Hall in Grand Central Terminal, from 11:00 am to 6 pm. The test is a simple cheek swab and will be free to those who cannot afford it. Normal cost of the test is $26.00
For more information, please contact Senator Savino’s office at 718-727-9406