A Letter To Constituents

Eric Adams

July 14, 2010

July 14, 2010

Dear Constituents:

 I am contacting you regarding the Canadian geese culled from Prospect Park and killed last weekend; I was dismayed by the manner in which these majestic creatures were slaughtered. I am upset further by the absence of any notice to residents; I am aware that numerous individuals visit the park to watch and feed the geese, and that many were alarmed by the absence of these beautiful birds.

 I am convinced that a more humane method might have been used to control the goose population. The operation was conducted under the auspices of the United States Department of Agriculture, and I would urge any individual who was distressed to write both to them and to his/her federal representatives (Senators Schumer and Gillibrand and Congressperson Yvette Clarke). The geese were removed as a result of the “danger posed to civil aviation,” and a letter to the Federal Aviation Administration would also be appropriate.

 Please know that I take this matter very seriously, having sponsored an April 19, 2010 roundtable discussion on animal rights in the State Senate Hearing Room at 250 Broadway, N.Y., and introduced legislation that requires governmental agencies (such as the police) to make a good faith attempt to provide service horses with a suitable “retirement” habitat.


Very truly yours,

Eric Adams

NYS Senator

District #20