Senator Adams' release honoring Korean-Americans and commemorating the 1919 Independence Day

Eric Adams

March 1, 2010

NYS Senator Eric Adams Honors The Korean-American Community of the State of New York, Commemorating the March 1, 1919 Independence Movement

Senator Adams’ statement:         “I have introduced a resolution today in the New York State Senate honoring the Korean-American communities of our State.  It is important that all Americans remember Korean Independence Day, observing and memorializing a national uprising on this date in 1919 in the face of intolerable oppression and aggression. 
“In the 1950’s, thousand of Koreans fled war and poverty, journeying to the United States in hopes of a better life, and the Korean American community has become a vital and vibrant part of our very unique American flavor. 
“We pause in our legislative deliberations to commemorate Korean Independence Day and honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice for human dignity.”
