Padavan Sponsoring Cell Phone Recycling Drive In Recongition Of Earth Day

Frank Padavan

April 12, 2010

New York State Senator Frank Padavan (Queens) announced today that once again his Bellerose District office will be collecting used cell phones in order to recycle and donate them to victims of domestic violence.
“With many New Yorkers undertaking their annual spring cleanings, many are coming across an old cell phone or charger they no longer use,” Padavan said. “Far too often these used phones are eventually discarded in the trash and pose a hazard to environment. With Earth Day this month, anyone with a used cell phone is encouraged to recycle them and help protect our environment and victims of domestic violence.”

 “We’re honored to be working with Senator Padavan on a program that is important for many reasons,” said Pat Devlin, president of Verizon Wireless’ New York Metro Region. “Not only does recycling old, no-longer-needed cell phones help alleviate environmental concerns, but the equipment donations and proceeds collected through Hopeline are also used to provide a wide range of support for the survivors of domestic violence.”  

Starting Thursday April 15th through Friday April 30th, Senator Padavan will collect used cell phones and accessories, including batteries and chargers, in order to increase awareness and foster recycling efforts of out-dated and used cell phones. At the conclusion of the two-week drive, all donated phones and accessories will be donated to Verizon Wireless for use in their Hopeline wireless phone recycling program.

The phones are refurbished, recycled or sold with the proceeds donated to domestic violence advocacy
groups or are used to purchase wireless phones and services for domestic violence victims and survivors. Phones that cannot be refurbished are disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner.
Hopeline collects cell phones regardless of manufacturer and wireless carrier as a part of their recycling efforts. All personal data is deleted and “scrubbed” from any donated cell phone to the Hopeline program.

 “In the past, our community has donated hundreds of used cell phones and accessories to be recycled and donated to local domestic violence victims,” Padavan said. “Working with Verizon Wireless and their Hopeline Program we were able to put these cell phones to good use. Over the next two weeks, we once again have the opportunity to provide a safe means of communication for domestic violence victims and make great strides in the fight against domestic violence while working to protect our local environment.” 

 Residents have until Friday April 30h to drop off their used cell phone, batteries or accessories at Senator Padavan’s District Office at 89-39 Gettysburg Street in Bellerose, The office hours are from 9 am to 5 pm Monday through Friday.