Klein Restores Overnight Tranquility to Morris Park Street
Jeffrey D. Klein
June 30, 2010
Morris Park resident Jean Downey can finally sleep through the night, thanks to the work of State Senator Jeff Klein.
Last fall, Downey was constantly awoken by an extremely noisy outdoor HVAC unit at the Capital One Bank on Williamsbridge Road, which sits directly behind their home. Each night, the unit would loudly switch on and off multiple times between the hours of 1AM - 5AM.
When the problem persisted, Downey reached out to Senator Klein’s office. Klein’s office immediately contacted the bank. After multiple conversations and calls with the bank manager, the facilities manager as well as the general manager, the bank informed Klein's office that it would adjust the settings on the unit in order to lower the noise nuisance.
In April of this year however, Downey contacted Klein’s office and reported that the HVAC unit was very noisy once again and waking her and her husband up each night. This time, Klein sent a letter to the bank’s executive office alerting them of the situation and informing that the problem seemed to be solved last fall had started once again. A few weeks later, Klein's office spoke with the Capitol One branch bank manager and with officials at the bank’s executive office and received word that the bank would be correcting the nuisance once and for all.
In June, Downey reported to Senator Klein that the problem had finally been resolved, since the unit was now turning on after 7AM each morning.
“Even simple quality-of-life matters such as this one can be quite disruptive for residents and their families if left to linger. I am pleased we were able to come together as both a residential and business community to find a solution that worked for everyone,” said State Senator Jeff Klein (D-Bronx/Westchester).