Villa Maria Academy to Buy New Defibrillators
Jeffrey D. Klein
March 15, 2010
- Education
Senator Klein presented a 5K grant at Villa Maria Academy’s Breakfast of Champions for new defibrillators
NEW YORK- On Saturday, March 13th, Senator Jeff Klein (D-Bronx/Westchester), presented a $5,000 grant to Villa Maria Academy at its 22nd Annual Breakfast of Champions. Former World Boxing Champion Iran Barkley, NYPD Detective Steven McDonald, Villa Maria Academy Athletic Director Michael Bernard, other elected officials, 170 students, parents, teachers and staff also attended the event.
Klein’s grant will be used to buy two defibrillators. Currently, Villa Maria Academy has one defibrillator for three buildings and desperately needs more.
Villa Maria’s 22nd Annual Breakfast of Champions rewards more than 150 students for their excellence in Physical Fitness.