Senator Flanagan Joins With LICADD And Smithtown Schools To Announce Drug Abuse Prevention Program
John J. Flanagan
April 30, 2010
- Controlled Substances
In the wake of nationwide and local concern about the scourge of drug abuse among young people, the Smithtown Central School and the Long Island Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (LICADD) recently announced the implementation of the “Too Good For Drugs” program at a press conference at Accompsett Middle School.
On hand for the announcement was Superintendent Edward Ehmann and LICADD Executive Director Dr. Jeffrey Reynolds who were both instrumental in bringing the K-12 school-based prevention program to more than 500 Smithtown sixth graders this year.
They were joined by Senator John Flanagan, Legislator John Kennedy and Legislator Lynne Nowick. All of the elected officials were joining with the school to provide support for Smithtown Central School Districts proactive efforts in the fight against drugs.
“The program is designed to benefit everyone in the school by providing needed education in social and emotional competencies and by reducing risk factors and building protective factors that affect students in this age group,” said Dr. Reynolds. “TGFD focuses on developing personal and interpersonal skills to resist peer pressures and to facilitate goal-setting, decision-making, bonding with other, having respect for self and others, identifying and managing emotions, effective communication and social interactions.”
In addition to running the program for students, the district has been active in providing parent education concerning drugs. These sessions have been well received with as many as 1,000 parents in attendance.