Addabbo: Let’s Work to Restore Faith in Our State Government

Joseph P. Addabbo Jr

November 8, 2010

Queens, NY, November 8, 2010 – With Election Day over, along with the mailers,
phone calls and commercials, State Senator Joseph Addabbo says it’s time to
focus on restoring faith back to the residents that their state government will
be responsive to their concerns. “Elected officials have a lot of work to do in
making people know that their state legislature can operate in a professional
and responsible manner.”  The Senator understands that this will not be an easy
task given the general frustration amongst the public and the previous dysfunction
in Albany. 

What needs to be done? Addabbo has a few ideas. According to the Senator, among
the most common request from his constituents is to lower property and other taxes,
along with a cap in state spending. Addabbo stated that he is hopeful that lower
property taxes, a restoration of the STAR rebate and a reduction in other taxes
and fees can be obtained with additional spending cuts and an improved economy.
He also intends to continue the legislature’s efforts in attacking Medicaid and
insurance fraud, which could result in a savings of approximately $9 billion to
the state. Addabbo said he heard many people request a restoration in library and
senior center funding.

With regard to ethics and legislative reform, Addabbo wants to introduce a law
that would expel a state elected official from office if convicted of a felony or
certain misdemeanors. He also wants to start the discussion and process of
creating term limits for state elected officials, just as it was overwhelmingly
approved by voters for New York City electeds. Addabbo said there should be an
independent, non-partisan redistricting process, so that districts will not be
redrawn in a way that is unfair to the residents of any district.  He wants to
work on creating more transparent election campaigns that see a reduction in
large corporate donations that have influenced candidates in the past. Addabbo
believes that there must be a change in the way Albany conducts its business on
behalf of the people of the state, but that the change will not come easy. “There
has to be a different way of thinking and ideology in Albany. I am hopeful other
state representatives see it that way too.” Addabbo stated.   
To grow jobs in these tough economic times, Addabbo said he will continue working
with small businesses around the district to obtain energy savings through audits
of their premises by National Grid and Con Ed, and offering tax credits to small
businesses that hire disabled individuals, seniors and unemployed veterans. In
addition to the over 1,00 jobs that the new Resorts World New York will bring to
Aqueduct Racetrack, the Senator is making last minute touches on his Job Fair set
for November 12 at the same site.

“We must have a government people can finally believe will work for them and for their interests. When I go back into session later this month, the people I serve can believe that I’ll do just that for them.” Addabbo concluded.
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