Senator Krueger Calls for Gov Paterson to Sign Hydrofracking Moratorium Legislation
Liz Krueger
December 3, 2010
Yesterday, just 24 hours after it was sent to the Governor for his signature, Senator Liz Krueger sent the following letter to Governor Paterson urging him to sign the Hydrofracking Moratorium Bill previously passed by the State Senate and recently passed by the Assembly (S8129-B / A11443-B).
Dear Governor Paterson:
I am writing to urge you to sign S.8129-B / A.11443-B, legislation that will place a moratorium on gas drilling in the Marcellus Shale until May 15, 2011. As a co-sponsor of this legislation, I support this moratorium so that we may have more time to properly vet a controversial process that has been connected to disastrous effects in other States.
This legislation will not end the debate regarding the viability of gas drilling by means of hydraulic fracturing, however it will provide all parties more time to review important information that has yet to be released. Currently the Department of Environmental Conservation and the Federal Environmental Protection Agency are conducting a comprehensive study that will not only shed light on the closely guarded process but may also propel Federal legislation on the matter. The natural gas in question is not in jeopardy of being lost while the moratorium is in place, therefore it is in New York’s best interest to exercise patience and prevent hasty decisions that could lead to devastating effects that impact us all.
I have attached materials from the Environmental Advocates of New York and Riverkeeper in support of this legislation, and respectfully request you to sign S.8129-B / A.11443-B. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions regarding this legislation.
Liz Krueger
State Senator