Senator Golden to Honor Local Women in Conjunction WITH Celebration of Women’s History Month

Martin J. Golden

February 25, 2010

State Senator Martin J. Golden (R-C, Brooklyn) today is announcing his plans to honor six women from the community for their outstanding service.

Senator Golden has selected to honor the following women:

Patricia Carlucci, St. Finbar’s Church

Lu Ann Campbell, Hairdress/Owner of “Going In Style”

Florence Forrester, Lutheran Medical Center Auxiliary

Rita Hollenga, New Utrecht Reformed Church

Paula Katinas, Reporter, Home Reporter and Brooklyn Spectator

Mary Ann Walsh, Bay Ridge Community Council, Kassenbrock Memorial Fund, and Community Board 10 Treasurer

Senator Marty Golden stated, “Each year, the country marks the month of March with a celebration of Women’s History Month, a time for our nation as a collection of communities to highlight and honor those women who have made a difference in the quality of life of our neighborhood. I am proud to honor these outstanding women and pay tribute to all they have accomplished.”

Family and friends are invited to attend to thank these women for their volunteerism and dedication to their community. For further information please call 718-238-6044. Light refreshments will be served.