Senator Nozzolio Named One of Top State Legislators by Unshackle Upstate
Michael F. Nozzolio
August 31, 2010
- Economic Development

In recognition of his efforts to support job growth, lower taxes and economic development in Upstate New York, State Senator Mike Nozzolio has been named one of Unshackle Upstate’s top ten Senators for the 2010 legislative session. Senator Nozzolio also received a perfect grading from Unshackle Upstate on his advocacy for taxpayers during the State budget process. The ranking comes as part of Unshackle Upstate’s “Judgment Day” campaign to identify which State legislators acted in the best interests of Upstate New York's taxpayers and job creators.
“It is an honor to be recognized by an organization that shares my strong commitment to creating a better future for our taxpayers and job-creating businesses,” said Senator Nozzolio. “The past two years have been a time of tremendous frustration for the residents of our region, but I am more determined than ever to change the way State government operates. I will continue working aggressively with Unshackle Upstate to reduce taxes and fees, cap property taxes, cut State spending and abolish unfunded mandates.”
Senator Nozzolio was recognized by Unshackle Upstate for voting to support New York State taxpayers’ priorities on 100% of the 2010-11 State budget bills that came before the State Senate. Senator Nozzolio voted against all 12 of the budget bills identified as “fiscally unsound” that increased State spending and taxes. He was also applauded for opposing a number of anti-job measures that would have imposed unaffordable costs on job-creating businesses, including the Farm Labor Bill, which he lead the fight to defeat in the State Senate.
Senator Nozzolio was also commended for cosponsoring an amendment to cap property taxes at 2 percent, the same cap that brought Massachusetts from having the 3rd highest property taxes in the nation to the 33rd highest. Unshackle Upstate also recognized his efforts as a sponsor of legislation (S.6132) to repeal the unnecessary new tax on utilities included in last year’s State Budget and provide energy relief for Upstate’s overburdened taxpayers and job-creating businesses.
“We can and must turn our State around so that we restore fiscal accountability, put people back to work and have career opportunities so that our young people don’t have to leave our region to find jobs,” said Senator Nozzolio. “I commend Unshackle Upstate for their efforts to hold every State legislator accountable to the taxpayers and look forward to working with them in the future to make our State an affordable place to live, work and raise a family.”