McDonald joins Fleming, Local Officials at Dewey Loeffel Landfill

Roy J. McDonald

May 21, 2010

Says: "State's inaction is just as scary as material in landfill."

Town of Nassau –  May 21, 2010. Senator Roy McDonald was joined by Town of Nassau Supervisor Dave Fleming, along with Highway Superintendent Fred McCagg and Town Board Member Don Carpentier, at the Dewey Loeffel Landfill on Friday.

The officials discussed the progress of the cleanup project along with new developments; which includes the recent U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s public comment period to add the contaminated site to its list of priorities for long-term evaluation and remedial response under the Superfund program.

“Everyone comes and goes talking about the environment and how important it is that we take care of these problems, yet here we have a site right in our backyard that has been ignored for way too long,” said McDonald. “The lack of action is unacceptable. I want to thank Supervisor Fleming and the local officials for their dedication towards getting this site recognized and cleaning it up to protect the community.”

Supervisor Fleming has been a staunch supporter of the cleanup project during his time in elected office. His advocacy has forced the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) and the EPA to realize that the site is a critical issue needing swift action to protect the health and well-being of residents of the Town of Nassau and Southern Rensselaer County.

“2010 marks the 30th anniversary of the failed remediation of this toxic site. The track record by DEC in producing real results to protect our community has been abysmal,” said a concerned Fleming. “It is only because of a coalition of dedication individuals in our community that includes Senator McDonald that we are able to press forward in bringing attention and action to this failed remediation. We are tired of delays and excuses and we expect results.”

McDonald has worked with Fleming and created legislation to study problems presented by the site, and to reimburse for losses as a result of the contamination. One bill would authorize the study of animal life in the vicinity of the Dewey Loeffel Hazardous Waste Site (S.4209 McDonald), the other would allow for state reimbursement for lost tax revenue due to the devaluation of land as a result of the toxic contamination (S.4210 McDonald). Both bills are sponsored by Assemblyman Gordon in the Assembly.

“We need to make certain that the right action is taken to ensure the safety, health, and well-being of the people who live in this community,” said McDonald.