Senator Stachowski Supports ‘Earth Day 2010’ Environmental Agenda

     In support of “Earth Day 2010,” Senator William T. Stachowski (D, Lake View) voted to approve legislation which recently passed the State Senate designed to implement protections to reduce waste and pollution in New York State.

     “The actions we take today to protect our natural resources and our environment will have a direct impact on generations to come,” said Senator Stachowski.  “These measures will help safeguard our health and well-being and our overall quality of life.”

     The following bills were passed by the Senate:

     S.3593 institutes a rechargeable battery producer and retailer sponsored take-back program at no costs to consumers.

     S.6141-B requires Auto Dealerships to post a Gallons Per Mile Fuel Savings Guide within the dealership that presents information developed by the Department of Environmental Conservation.

     S.6047-A  esablishes a comprehensive State-wide electronic equipment reuse and recycling program.

     S.4983- limits pesticide exposures for school and daycare aged children by prohibiting certain outdoor, non-essential applications on playgrounds, turf, and athletic or playing fields.

     S.3296-G prohibits the manufacture, distribution and sale of child care products such as pacifiers, bottles and sippy cups that contain Bisphenol.

     S.5119  reduces the State’s waste by prohibiting the purchase and use of non-recyclable paper/mailing products.

     S.3788-C creates a cancer mapping program that overlays reported incidences of cancer with environmental facilities.

     The bills were sent to the Assembly.