Senator Little Reacts to State of the State Address

Betty Little

January 6, 2011

Statement by Senator Betty Little -- Wednesday, January 5, 2011

"I agree with many of Governor Andrew Cuomo’s ideas outlined to build toward a better future of responsible government spending and cultivate an economic climate that attracts investment, rewards success and encourages innovation and entrepreneurship.

"If we aren’t optimistic about the future, the fortitude to make the tough decisions will be lacking. There’s no question that closing the $10 billion deficit will require significant cuts to services and programs. Difficult choices have to be made, but they can and should be smart choices. The divisiveness of hyper-partisan politics has to end and be replaced with a constructive dialogue that leads to sensible policy decisions.

"The immediate focus will be closing the deficit and enacting a budget but I’m hoping to see a greater emphasis on a long-term strategy to make New York a more affordable place to live and work five, ten and twenty years from now. That’s why I believe a state spending cap is one of the most important initiatives to adopt this year. A cap will provide the restriction needed to limit government’s appetite for more tax dollars by controlling the rate at which spending increases in the future.

"The state of New York State was brought into focus last month when the U.S. Census Bureau announced we will be losing two more Congressional seats. Our downward trajectory, led by high taxes and onerous regulations, has to change."