Sen. Young Sponsored Mandate Relief Legislation Passes Senate

Catharine Young

February 9, 2011

ALBANY - The State Senate has passed mandate relief legislation sponsored by Senator Catharine Young (R,I,C – Olean), that would give local governments more authority and flexibility and help save taxpayer dollars.

“In this time of tight budgets and overstrapped taxpayers, every dollar is precious and should be used in the most effective and efficient manner possible. It is crucial that we focus on passing legislation to give county governments the ability to finally achieve long-term and meaningful mandate relief that can be passed onto the taxpayers,” said Senator Young.

One of the provisions (S.764)  that passed would allow two or more contiguous towns to jointly purchase highway equipment.

“Service on our roads and highways is extremely important, but the equipment that is needed can be very expensive, especially for local governments that are stretched to the limit.  This is common sense and cost effective legislation that allows for the sharing of expensive highway equipment between two cost-strapped localities,” Senator Young said.

Other legislation (S.800) that passed, also sponsored by Senator Young, would authorize local governments to deliver proposed local laws to members of their legislative bodies via email.

“We need to take advantage of technology to help reduce costs for our localities. Currently, proposed local laws need to be on the members’ desks for seven days or delivered by the U.S. Postal Service ten days prior to any action on the proposed law. Email would be a far more cost effective way to notify board members of proposed legislation and would save money on mailing and printing costs,” said Senator Young.

Another bill (S.598), sponsored by Senator Charles Fuschillo of Long Island, would also allow tax collectors to send tax statements by email to homeowners who opt out of receiving paper statements.

“Residents may choose to receive tax statements by regular mail or opt out of regular mail and receive the statement by email only, if that is more convenient,” Senator Fuschillo said.  “Switching to emailed statements would reduce paper consumption and waste and provide cost savings to the locality through reduced printing and postage.”

“Our local governments are crying out for additional help from these burdensome mandates. The time has come for a more taxpayer-friendly attitude among our representatives in Albany.  By passing this needed local mandate relief, we can hold the line on taxes and prevent taxpayers from being priced out of their homes and businesses,” said Senator Young.