Senator Fuschillo Appears on “Meet the Leaders”

Charles J. Fuschillo Jr.

March 8, 2011

Senator Charles J. Fuschillo, Jr. (R-Merrick) was recently a guest on Cablevision’s “Meet the Leaders, ” a local program which explores the people, policies, and issues which are responsible for directing the future course of Long Island. 

On the show, Senator Fuschillo and Host Pat Halpin discuss the state budget, transportation infrastructure issues, the need for tougher drunk driving laws, and the public hearing he will be holding on LIPA.  

The show airs through April 8th on Channel 118 of Cablevision’s Woodbury system on the following days and times: 

            Sundays: 10:30 pm 

            Tuesdays: 10:30 pm 

            Fridays: 6 pm 

            Saturdays: 9:30 am and 8:30 pm 

            Residents can also view the show anytime by going to Channel 502, selecting “news and world,” then “local on demand,” followed by “Long Island.”  

            Senator Fuschillo is pictured during his appearance on “Meet the Leaders.” 
