Senator Fuschillo Helps Residents “Shed the Meds”
Charles J. Fuschillo Jr.
July 16, 2011

Over 500 Pounds of Expired and Unwanted Medications Collected for Safe Disposal
Residents from across the south shore dropped off well over 500 pounds of expired and unused medications at the Bellmore Train Station as part of Senator Charles J. Fuschillo, Jr.’s “Shed the Meds” program.
“This program was once again a tremendous success. Thanks to the residents who participated, we kept hundreds of pounds of medications out of the waterways and off the streets. I am pleased that so many residents took advantage of this important service,” said Senator Fuschillo (R-Merrick).
Senator Fuschillo’s “Shed the Meds” program enabled residents to safely and conveniently dispose of their expired or unused medications. As part of the program, residents were able to drive up, drop off their expired or unwanted medications, and drive away. All medications collected through the program were taken by the Nassau County Police Department for safe disposal. The Department partnered with Senator Fuschillo in offering this service to residents.