Senator Fuschillo Named “Eco-Star” by New York League of Conservation Voters
Charles J. Fuschillo Jr.
October 18, 2011
- Environment
Senator Charles J. Fuschillo, Jr. (R-Merrick) was recently named a 2011 “Eco-Star” by the New York League of Conservation Voters (NYLCV).
NYLCV presents the Eco-Star award “to those outstanding elected officials who authored critical legislation, lobbied their colleagues, and helped broker bipartisan, bicameral solutions to New York’s many sustainability challenges.”
NYLCV named Senator Fuschillo an “Eco-Star” for “improving New York’s environment and securing a clean-energy future” by sponsoring New York State’s new complete streets law.
The law will help make our roadways safer for all users by requiring all state, county, and local transportation agencies to consider complete streets design principles on all projects which receive both federal and state funding. Complete streets design principles are roadway design features that accommodate and facilitate safe travel by pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorists of all ages and abilities. A Federal Highway Administration safety review found that streets designed with complete streets features improve safety for all users, enabling pedestrians to cross busy roads in two stages, improving bicycle safety and reducing left-turning motorist crashes to zero.
Senator Fuschillo (left) is pictured as he accepts the “Eco-Star” award from NYLCV President Marcia Bystryn (right).