State Legislature Honors the Memory of Wantagh Resident Janice Seyfried
Charles J. Fuschillo Jr.
May 10, 2011
The New York State Legislature recently honored the memory of longtime Wantagh resident Janice Seyfried, who passed away on March 17th at the age of 72. Both the State Senate and Assembly passed a legislative resolution, sponsored by Senator Charles J. Fuschillo Jr. (R-Merrick) and Assemblyman David McDonough (R-North Merrick), honoring Ms. Seyfried’s long history of academic excellence and community service.
Ms. Seyfried devoted nearly her entire adult life to helping improve the lives of others. She spent her career as a teacher, educating students at Baldwin High School. She was a well liked and respected educator who received the “Outstanding Technology Educator of the Year” award from the Association of Computer Educators.
Ms. Seyfried was also very involved in the community. She was heavily involved in the Kiwanis Club, serving two-terms as president of the Wantagh Club, serving as Lieutenant Governor of the Long Island South Central Division, and helping two other local communities start their own Kiwanis Clubs. In addition, she served on the Wantagh Chamber of Commerce’s Board of Directors and was very active in her church, St. Jude’s Episcopal Church in Wantagh.
“Whether it was teaching students or helping the residents of our community, Janice Seyfried worked hard to help improve the lives of others. Her legacy of selflessness and service will always be remembered by all those whose lives she touched. I’m pleased that the Senate has memorialized and paid tribute to Janice’s many years of service to her community,” said Senator Fuschillo.
"Over the past 20 years I was privileged to work closely with Janice as a colleague in Kiwanis and recall her humanitarianism and devotion to not only the cause of Kiwanis but also her home community of Wantagh. Her work on behalf of children was monumental and her memory will live on," said Assemblyman McDonough.
With the passage of the legislative resolution, Janice Seyfried’s accomplishments and record of service will forever be a part of the New York State Legislature’s official record.
Text of the resolution:
LEGISLATIVE RESOLUTION mourning the death of Janice Seyfried, distinguished citizen and devoted member of her community
WHEREAS, It is the custom of this Legislative Body to pay tribute to citizens of the State of New York whose lifework and civic endeavor served to enhance the quality of life in their communities and the great State of New York; and
WHEREAS, Janice Seyfried of Wantagh, New York, died on March 17, 2011 at the age of 72; and
WHEREAS, A member of the first graduating class of Wantagh High School, Janice Seyfried went on to enroll in the Katharine Gibbs School in New York City; after completion of the Gibbs courses, she became employed at the school as the Executive Secretary to the Director while attending night classes at New York University; and
WHEREAS, When her family bought a farm in Upstate New York, Janice Seyfried was able to enroll at Elmira College full-time; subsequently she earned her Bachelor of Science degree in economics and accounting; and
WHEREAS, Janice Seyfried returned to Katharine Gibbs School to teach during the summer, and began a career as a business teacher in the Baldwin Senior High School; and
WHEREAS, Janice Seyfried completed her Master's of Science degree in guidance and counseling at St. John's University and earned her professional diploma in educational administration from the C.W. Post Campus of Long Island University; she was licensed in both business guidance and as a school district administrator; and
WHEREAS, This outstanding woman distinguished herself in her profession and by her sincere dedication and substantial contribution to the welfare of her community; and
WHEREAS, During her tenure at Baldwin Senior High School, Janice Seyfried was instrumental in starting a computer program in the business department; in 1990, she received the Outstanding Technology Educator of the Year Award from the Association of Computer Educators, a tri-state organization of technology teachers; and
WHEREAS, A past Officer of the Baldwin Teachers Association, Janice Seyfried was a Union Representative for many years; in 1994, she retired from teaching and opened a small graphic arts business from her home specializing in newsletters, journals, and invitations; and
WHEREAS, While in retirement, Janice Seyfried worked part-time as a parish administrator and secretary for three different churches, a trainer at CompUSA and Hendrix Institute, and a graphic artist for North Shore Today, a Richner Publication; and
WHEREAS, Janice Seyfried's commitment to excellence, and her spirit of humanity, carried over into all fields of enterprise, including charitable and civic endeavors; and
WHEREAS, A member of her church choir, as well as the altar guild, Janice Seyfried chaired St. Jude's Church fair several times, served as vestry clerk, and was elected to the Wantagh Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors; and
WHEREAS, In February of 1995, Janice Seyfried joined the Wantagh Kiwanis Club; she served as its President for two terms as well as its Division Lieutenant Governor from 2002 to 2003; and
WHEREAS, In 1995, Janice Seyfried was instrumental in chartering the first Kiwanis Key Club in the world for handicapped or special needs, at BOCES in Wantagh, the Center for Community Adjustment (CCA) of Wantagh Key Club, which is still thriving today; and
WHEREAS, Janice Seyfried served as the new club builder for the Kiwanis Club of Seaford in 2002 and then for the Kiwanis Club of Uniondale United in 2007; and
WHEREAS, Janice Seyfried served for seven years as District Public Relations Chairperson; in addition, she served as recruiter, new club builder, and the division secretary of the Long Island South Central Division of the New York District of Kiwanis International; and
WHEREAS, Some of her many awards and accolades include the George L. Prout Award, the Kiwanis International Award, the Anton J. Kaiser Award, and the Diamond Level Kaiser Award; she also won first place for her outstanding newsletter in the New York District of Kiwanis and was named Kiwanian of the Year, for both club and division; and
WHEREAS, Furthermore, she was recipient of the George F. Hixson Award, the Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center Award, the Brittany Award, two KPTC Fellowship Awards; and
WHEREAS, In 2011, the Wantagh Chamber of Commerce named Janice Seyfried Citizen of the Year and was given the Woman of Distinction Award; and
WHEREAS, Armed with a humanistic spirit, imbued with a sense of compassion, and comforted by a loving family, Janice Seyfried leaves behind a legacy which will long endure the passage of time and will remain as a comforting memory to all she served and befriended; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to mourn the death of Janice Seyfried, distinguished citizen and devoted member of her community; and be it further
RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution, suitable engrossed, be transmitted to the family of Janice Seyfried.