State Senate Honors the Memory of Seaford Resident Bill Powell

Charles J. Fuschillo Jr.

March 9, 2011

Senate Passes Fuschillo Resolution Honoring Mr. Powell’s Many Years of Community Service 

          The New York State Senate recently honored the memory of longtime Seaford resident Bill Powell, who passed away on February 10th at the age of 64. The Senate passed a legislative resolution, sponsored by Senator Charles J. Fuschillo, Jr. (R-Merrick), honoring Mr. Powell’s long history community service. 

            Mr. Powell has a long history of serving the residents of Seaford. He was a 46 year member of the Seaford Fire Department, a Vice-President of the Seaford Historical Society, and a member of the Seaford Chamber of Commerce. In addition, Mr. Powell was involved with the Hempstead Bay House Association and the Long Island Decoy Association. Mr. Powell also served his country as a member of the United States Navy during the Vietnam War. 

            “Bill Powell devoted nearly his entire life to serving others. Whether it was defending our country as a member of the Armed Forces, protecting residents as a volunteer firefighter, or preserving our community’s history as a member of the Historical Society, Bill leaves behind an impressive legacy of service. I’m pleased that the Senate has memorialized and paid tribute to Bill’s many years of service to his country and community,” said Senator Fuschillo.                      

With the Senate passage of the legislative resolution, Bill Powell’s accomplishments and record of service will forever be part of the New York State Senate’s official record. 


Text of the Legislative Resolution

Senate Resolution No. 597 


        MOURNING   the   death   of   William  A.  Powell, distinguished citizen and devoted member of his community 

  WHEREAS, It is the custom of this Legislative Body to pay tribute to citizens  of the State of New York whose lifework and civic endeavor served to enhance the quality of life in their communities and the great State of New York; and 

  WHEREAS, William A. Powell of Seaford, New York, died on February 10, 2011, at the age of 64; and

   WHEREAS,  A  descendant of one of the first settlers of Long Island, William Powell grew up in his family home built in 1870; and 

  WHEREAS, A graduate of Seaford High School, William Powell worked on the bay with his father as a boy and, at the age of 16,  accepted a position as a repair technician with Universe Appliance in Seaford; and 

  WHEREAS,  William  Powell  ultimately  became  partner and then sole owner of Universe Appliance; he remained proprietor until five years ago when he passed the company over to his son; and  

  WHEREAS, William Powell distinguished himself in his profession and by his sincere dedication and substantial contribution to the welfare of his community; and 

  WHEREAS,  A  United  States  Navy veteran, William Powell served his country during the Vietnam War on the destroyer  USS  Robert  A.  Owens based in Virginia; and 

  WHEREAS,  William  Powell's commitment to excellence, and his spirit of humanity, carried over  into  all  fields of enterprise,  including charitable and civic endeavors; and  

  WHEREAS, An Ex-Captain and member, William Powell served the Seaford Fire  Department  for  46  years;  he was past President of Seaford Hook Ladder & Engine Company No. 1 as well as Seaford Fire Department  Exempt Benevolent Association; and 

  WHEREAS,  This  remarkable  man was involved in many other community organizations including the Seaford Historical Society where  he  served as Vice President, the Seaford Chamber of Commerce, Hempstead Bay House Association, and the Long Island Decoy Association; and

  WHEREAS, William Powell is survived by his beloved wife of 43 years, Carla; their two children, William and  Janice;  their  daughter-in-law, Kate,   and   son-in-law,  Rob;  his  brothers, Robert and John; and sister-in-law, Pat; as well as six grandchildren, Samantha,  Brian, Valerie, Michael, Olivia, and Ryan; and 

  WHEREAS,  Armed with a humanistic spirit, imbued with a sense of compassion, and comforted by a loving family, William Powell  leaves behind a legacy which will long endure the passage of time and will remain as a comforting memory to all he served and  befriended;  now, therefore, be it 

  RESOLVED,  That  this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to mourn the death of William A. Powell, distinguished citizen and  devoted member of his community; and be it further 

  RESOLVED,  That a copy of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be transmitted to the family of William A. Powell.