Statement From Senator Fuschillo Regarding Lipa’s Worst in the Nation Customer Satisfaction Rating
Charles J. Fuschillo Jr.
April 20, 2011
- Authorities and Commissions
“LIPA’s worst in the nation customer satisfaction rating among municipal utilities is yet another example of why we need greater oversight of LIPA.
LIPA’s customer satisfaction rating was 65 out of a possible 100, according to a report by the American Consumer Satisfaction Index. LIPA’s rating was the worst in the country among municipal owned utilities and the second worst overall rating for all utilities, including investor owned and consumer owned cooperative utilities. LIPA’s rating is more than ten points lower than the overall customer satisfaction with utilities.
These numbers just reinforce that LIPA has a trust problem with its ratepayers, who are sick and tired of paying some of the highest utility costs in the country.
I have already called for a full management and financial audit of LIPA conducted by an independent firm under the oversight of the New York State Public Service Commission (PSC). The PSC should also be given full regulatory authority over LIPA, including the authority to approve all LIPA rate increase requests and examine LIPA’s financial practices. These measures would make LIPA more accountable and transparent, both of which are sorely needed.
As these survey results show, ratepayers are sick and tired of the status quo. Given LIPA’s performance over the years, they have every right to be.”