Tax Cap Bill Passes State Senate
David Carlucci
February 1, 2011

Cuomo-Carlucci Tax Cap Bill Passes State Senate
(Albany, NY) Legislation co-sponsored by Senator David Carlucci (D-Rockland) that would finally provide relief from out-of-control property tax increases passed the State Senate today with overwhelming bi-partisan support.
The bill, (S.2706), which was also a cornerstone of Governor Andrew Cuomo’s legislative agenda, would enact on 2 percent cap on school and local government property tax increases.
“Residents of the 38th State Senate district have been struggling with skyrocketing property taxes for far too long,” Senator Carlucci said. “I am proud to be working with Governor Andrew Cuomo and a bi-partisan coalition to provide taxpayers reprieve from out of control property tax increases. I am hopeful that our partners in the Assembly hear the cry of the residents throughout our state and join us in these efforts to bring relief to taxpayers.”
The bill would:
- Cap property tax increases on schools and local governments at the lesser of 2 percent, or the current consumer price index.
- Allow schools and local governments have the ability to carry forward up to 1.5 percent of unused levy capacity from the previous year.
- Require school budgets that are within the levy limit to only require majority approval to pass. School budgets that exceed the levy limit would need a 60 percent approval to override the cap.
- Require that in the event that a school budget is defeated twice, a school district would be required to adopt a budget with a tax levy that is no greater than the previous year.
- Grant exemptions to payments on local government legal judgments, capital expenses and consolidation costs.
The Senate today also passed mandate relief legislation (S.2707), that would require any state mandated program imposed on local governments, or school districts, which created any net additional cost in excess, to be funded by the state. This bill would crack down on the implementation of unfunded mandates that drive up costs on schools and local governments and ultimately place undue burdens on taxpayers.
Last month, Senator Carlucci and his fellow Independent Democratic Conference members unveiled their own mandate relief package that would lessen costs and relieve financial pressure placed local governments.