Statement by Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos

Dean G. Skelos

May 10, 2011

Today, Governor Cuomo begins a statewide tour in support of his legislation to enact a hard property tax cap in New York.  The Governor is right - - soaring property taxes are driving middle-class families out of their homes and forcing businesses to flee the state.   

That’s why the State Senate overwhelmingly passed the Governor’s property tax cap bill earlier this year, and why we’re working so hard to provide New Yorkers with meaningful relief.  If the Assembly leadership is serious about controlling property taxes, they will join us in passing the Governor’s bill.

Senate Republicans first passed a property tax cap in 2008 to respond to the state’s property tax crisis, and New Yorkers everywhere continue to demand it.  While I applaud the Governor for his continued leadership, it’s important that he utilize the bully pulpit to challenge the Assembly to act.