Senator Rivera Praises 32BJ and Bronx Realty Advisory Board for Reaching Agreement
Gustavo Rivera
March 15, 2011
- Labor
Bronx, NY – Senator Gustavo Rivera (D-Bronx) praised 32BJ and Bronx Realty Advisory Board for coming to the table to reach a tentative four-year agreement that provides for annual raises and maintains healthcare and pension benefits for building workers. In response to the news of the agreement, Senator Rivera (D-Bronx) issued the following statement:
“I want to thank 32BJ and the Bronx Realty Advisory Board for reaching a fair agreement that will continue to protect the wages and benefits of building workers and for demonstrating that when labor and management sit down at the table they can reach fair agreements. We as Bronxites depend on the over 3,000 men and women from 32BJ that are superintendents, janitors, porters, garbage handlers and other building workers that keep our Borough functioning. I am pleased that the Bronx Realty Advisory Board is not rolling back benefits or chipping away at hard-earned pensions during such tough economic times. We must continue to protect the hard earned benefits and wages of all workers during these tough times and the right of our workers to reach agreements through collective bargaining.”
Senator Rivera joined Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. and other legislators in calling for the Bronx Realty Advisory Board and 32BJ to reach an agreement on Sunday, March 13, 2011 to avoid a Bronx-wide strike of building workers and fight for healthcare and retirement benefits to be kept intact.