Senator Rivera presents Celia Cruz Winning Choir with Senate Resolution Honoring their Hard Work and Excellence
Gustavo Rivera
April 7, 2011
- Arts and Culture

Bronx, NY – Senator Gustavo Rivera (D,WF-Bronx) presented the Celia Cruz High School Choir with a Senate Resolution honoring them for being named the Best Choir in New York City as part of the Sing! for Wildlife competition. This was the first Senate Resolution Senator Rivera introduced and passed through the State Senate.
Senator Rivera spoke to the students congratulated the students on being an example of the great accomplishments, both artistic and educational, that can come from a commitment to arts education.
Click here to see Senate Resolution S. 675, congratulating the Celia Cruz Bronx High School of Music Show Choir upon the occasion of being named the “Best Choir in New York City” at the Bronx Zoo’s inaugural SING! for Wildlife competition: