HEAP May Help You Pay For Electricity, Propane, Natural Gas, Wood, Oil, Kerosene, Coal and Other Heating Fuels
Jack M. Martins
February 2, 2011
- Seniors

HEAP is a federally funded program that issues heating benefits to supplement a household’s annual energy cost. HEAP also offers an emergency benefit for households in a heat or heat related energy emergency. Additionally, HEAP offers a furnace repair and/or replacement benefit for households with inoperable heating equipment. The regular benefit component of the 2010-2011 HEAP season is open, effective November 1, 2010.
How to Apply for HEAP:
Seniors (age 60 and over) and persons who are permanently disabled may apply by mail to:
Nassau County Department of Senior Citizen Affairs
60 Charles Lindbergh Blvd
2nd Floor North Entrance
Uniondale, NY 11553
Phone 516-227-7386
All others, including seniors in an emergency situation, must apply in person, or designate someone to apply for them, at:
EAC Inc.
175 Fulton Avenue
4th Floor
Hempstead, New York 11550
Phone 516-565-4327
Households currently receiving Food Stamps or cash benefits should contact their worker at the Nassau County Department of Social Services.
If you are required to apply in person, an eligibility worker will ask that you submit verification of your household composition, including Social Security cards, birth certificates, as well as income verification for all household members, While there is no resource test for regular HEAP, all households must have gross monthly income at or below HEAP income guidelines.
Heating Equipment Repair or Replacement - The heating equipment repair and replacement component is available to help low-income homeowners repair or replace furnaces, boilers, and other direct heating components necessary to keep the home's primary heating source functional. The heating equipment repair or replacement component of the 2010-11 HEAP season is open effective October 1, 2010.
Income Guidelines - 2010-2011 HEAP Gross Monthly Income Guidelines.
United Way of Long Island works with nonprofit and corporate community partners to administer Project Warmth, Long Island’s only non-governmental emergency fuel fund which provides one-time grants to oil and utility companies on behalf of residents facing heating emergencies. Through a network of partner agencies, struggling Long Island families can apply to Project Warmth and receive information on other local resources to help them address greater financial stability.
Last year the program distributed grants to 1370 families. For the complete report, download the 2009-2010 Report to the Community.
Where to get help
If you or someone you know needs emergency heating assistance, download the 2010-11 Project Warmth fact sheet for eligibility guidelines and participating agencies.
Note: If you are a household seeking Project Warmth assistance, please contact one of the participating agencies listed on the fact sheet directly. United Way of Long Island does not mail out or process applications.
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