Senate Passes Bill That Would Increase Penalties for Leaving the Scene of a Boating Accident

John A. DeFrancisco

May 27, 2011

Senator John A. DeFrancisco (R-I-C, Syracuse) announced that his bill (S3760), which would stiffen penalties for persons leaving the scene of a boating accident without making a report, passed the New York State Senate on May 25, 2011.

  1. A second offense within five years of the first offense would be an E felony.
  2. If a third offense is committed and all three offenses are committed within twenty-four months, then the third offense would be punished by an E felony.

 Failing to report a boating accident to the Transportation Commissioner could carry the penalty of an A misdemeanor.

 “People should have a conscience and do the right thing, but in the event that they do not, there should be real consequences,”  concluded Senator DeFrancisco.

  The bill has been sent to the Assembly and is awaiting approval by that body.