Senator Flanagan Joins Letter Carriers To Help Stamp Out Hunger
John J. Flanagan
April 26, 2011
Senator John Flanagan (2nd Senate District) is encouraging everyone in our community to join this year's National Association of Letter Carrier's (NALC) Stamp Out Hunger food drive. On Saturday, May 14th, just as they have done for years, letter carriers in our communities will collect food during their normal route to help restock community food banks, pantries and shelters that many families rely on throughout the summer as part of what is now the largest one-day food collection in the nation to provide for those in our community who are in need.
To assist the letter carriers in their volunteer program, Senator Flanagan has announced that his office in Smithtown will serve as a collection point in the weeks leading up to the May 14th event to make donating more convenient for his residents. Anyone wishing to donate to the food drive can visit his office at 260 Middle Country Road in Smithtown during normal business hours.
According to the NALC, those wishing to participate should donate non-perishable items such as canned meat and fish, canned soup, juice, pasta, vegetables, cereal and rice. The NALC asks residents to avoid donating any items that have expired or those in glass containers.
For residents who decide to make their donation from their home, items will be collected during normal mail routes. All donations should be placed by the mailbox or the front door to allow for easy pickup.
While most post offices are participating in the program, residents are urged to check with their personal mail carrier. Residents can also visit www.helpstampouthunger.com for more information on this program.
“This annual effort is a true team effort by our letter carriers and they deserve our appreciation and support. This food drive will help many in our community and I encourage everyone to participate in any way they can to help these men and women Stamp Out Hunger on Long Island,” stated Senator Flanagan.