Christmas Tree Recycling Programs in Monroe County
Joseph E. Robach
December 19, 2011
Monroe County Executive Maggie Brooks announced that beginning right after Christmas, residents can once again recycle their Christmas trees, free of charge, at several locations across the County. Most drop-off locations and scheduled pick-ups will accept trees through the end of January 2012.
This season, the County’s new ecopark located at 10 Avion Drive in the Town of Chili, will also accept Christmas trees, unwanted holiday lights and gift packaging during its operating hours. For hours and other recycling alternatives, visit www.monroecounty.gov/ecopark or call 753-7600 (Option #3).
Christmas trees received at these locations will be ground into wood chips for use as landscape mulch. Certain drop-off locations may also offer these wood chips to residents for use in their own yards. Residents who live in the participating municipalities are asked to bring their own containers in order to retrieve these wood chips.
Residents who live in the City of Rochester can also place their trees to the curb on the day of their regularly scheduled pickup. All Monroe County residents participating in the free Christmas tree drop-off are asked to remove all decorations, plastic bags, wires and nails from trees to avoid damaging mulching equipment.
Click on the link below to see a list of drop-off locations, scheduled pick-ups, instructions and hours of operation in Monroe County’s 19 towns, 10 villages, the City of Rochester and participating businesses. It can also be found at http://www.MonroeCounty.gov.
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