Enhanced School Tax Relief Program (STAR) Application Deadline March 1, 2011
Lee M. Zeldin
February 7, 2011
As we move into February, I want to take this take this opportunity to inform you about a very important deadline regarding your STAR property tax exemption savings on your tax bill this year.
If you own your primary residence, turn 65 years of age at any time during 2011 and meet the income requirements, you might be eligible for the Enhanced STAR school tax exemption. The Enhanced STAR exemption is more than two times the value of the Basic STAR exemption you may already be receiving.
In most towns, cities and villages the filing deadline for the Enhanced STAR exemption is March 1, 2011. That is why I writing to you now, so that you have ample time to apply if you have not done so already. Even if you turn 65 later in 2011, you still must apply before the March 1 deadline to receive the benefit this year.
For 2011, the Enhanced STAR exemption is available to homeowners 65 years of age or older whose income did not exceed $79,050 in 2009. For property jointly owned by spouses or siblings, only one of the owners must have reached age 65. Eligibility is based on the combined income of the owners. If you exceed the income limit, you are still eligible to continue receiving the Basic STAR exemption.
Please contact your local assessor for more information regarding the Enhanced STAR exemption application deadline. I have also enclosed a copy of the application for the Enhanced STAR exemption for your review and use.
If you live in the Town of Brookhaven the phone number for your local assessor is: (631) 451-9051.
If you live in the Town of Islip the phone number for your local assessor is: (631) 224-5058
I hope you find this information useful and timely. Should you need any assistance on this or any other issue please do not hesitate to contact my district office or email me at zeldin@nysenate.gov.