Senator Krueger Urges Young and Old to Make Life Changing New Year’s Resolution
Liz Krueger
January 5, 2011
For Immediate Release | January 4 , 2011
Katie Kincaid | kincaid.nysenate@gmail.com | 646-784-0485
(New York, NY) – During the beginning of the new year, while New Yorkers vow to exercise and eat healthier, save more money and cut down on the amount of reality TV shows watched, Senator Liz Krueger (D-Manhattan) is urging all New Yorkers to fill out a Health Care Proxy, a resolution that will bring comfort and clarity to end-of-life decisions.
A Health Care Proxy (or some other form of Advance Directive), enables an individual to make important decisions about his/her health care planning, particularly regarding end-of-life care.
“This is one New Year’s resolution that will take less than ten minutes to complete,” said Senator Krueger. “If you follow through on just one resolution this year, have it be this one. Spare your loved ones from making painful decisions about your well being without knowing what you would have preferred.”
Although it is a topic many find difficult to contemplate or discuss, planning for a time when one may be physically unable to voice his/her preferences for healthcare options is necessary.
“No one wants to talk to their loved ones about death or issues of end-of-life care. Particularly when you’re young it’s easy to not to think about it at all,” said Senator Krueger. “But the reality is that most people, young and old, do have strong opinions about what type of heathcare they want to receive if something serious and unexpected happens. Failing to deal with these questions may leave you no opportunity to voice your opinions and leave your loved ones with even heavier burdens on your behalf.”
For more information on filling out a Health Care Proxy, please contact Senator Krueger’s office at (212) 490-9535.