Senator Nozzolio Fights for Tax Cap, Join the Fight Online
Michael F. Nozzolio
April 12, 2011
- Property Tax

New York State Senator Mike Nozzolio is continuing his fight to enact a property tax cap to turn our economy around and give New Yorkers hope that we are headed in a positive direction.
Senator Nozzolio was joined today by representatives of pro-taxpayers, pro-jobs organizations such as Unshackle Upstate, the Business Council, the New York Farm Bureau and the National Federation of Independent Businesses to urge members of the State Assembly Majority to act on legislation to place a cap on property taxes. Senator Nozzolio fought to enact the tax cap legislation in the State Senate, where it was overwhelmingly adopted with bi-partisan support earlier this year.
“Every property owner…every business, big or small...every farm owner and manufacturer....every family and senior citizen ... all have the same concern.... property taxes in New York State are much too high,” Senator Nozzolio said. “My colleagues in the State Senate and I have worked with Governor Cuomo to provide this much needed tax relief and reverse the devastating impact property taxes have had on residents and job-creating businesses throughout New York. It is now critical for the members of the State Assembly to join us in adopting a tax cap that will bring real relief before the end of the legislative session.”
The property tax cap legislation will limit property tax increases to 2 percent or less, based on the consumer price index. Forty three other states have some type of cap on property taxes and have seen positive results for homeowners and businesses. After the cap was established in Massachusetts, the state went from having the 3rd highest property taxes in the nation down to the 33rd highest.
In addition, Senator Nozzolio is supporting extensive mandate relief measures to correspond with a property tax cap to give school districts and local governments greater flexibility to spend tax dollars on local priorities, rather than to address State mandates.
As part of his efforts to get the tax cap enacted into law, Senator Nozzolio has initiated an online petition available through his website and Facebook page, urging the State Assembly Majority to support the property tax cap legislation. Taxpayers can access the petition here.
“By signing this petition, taxpayers can send a loud and clear message to the Assembly that homeowners in our community want a cap on property taxes, and they want it now!” said Senator Nozzolio. “All we need now for the tax cap to become law is for the Assembly Majority to do what is best for small business owners and taxpayers across New York and adopt this legislation immediately.”