State Senate Approves Senator Nozzolio Legislation to Establish 9/11 Remembrance Flag
Michael F. Nozzolio
June 22, 2011
Continuing his efforts to create a lasting tribute to the fallen heroes and loved ones of September 11th, New York State Senator Mike Nozzolio today announced that the Senate has adopted legislation (S.3538A) he introduced and sponsored to allow a special September 11th Remembrance Flag to be flown alongside the American, New York State and POW flags.
“As we approach the tenth anniversary of September 11th and the most horrific terrorist attack on American soil, it is important that we pause to recognize the sacrifices, commitment and dedication of the thousands of Americans who answered the call to duty on that fateful day,” said Senator Nozzolio. “The September 11th Remembrance Flag symbolizes the resilience of the American people to rise up from the devastating losses of that day and to help Americans come together to heal and rebuild our Country.”
The September 11th Remembrance Flag was created by Steve and Joanne Galvin of Wolcott, New York. Although Steve Galvin passed away before seeing his dream of the Remembrance Flag become a reality, his widow, Joanne, continues to advocate for a formal recognition of the flag.
“Steve and Joanne Galvin have demonstrated outstanding commitment to ensuring that the people who died tragically on September 11th will not be forgotten. I am pleased that my Senate colleagues have joined me in honoring Steve’s memory and dying wish by adopting this legislation to make the flag he helped design a daily reminder that our resolve as American citizens will never be compromised.”
For more information on the September 11th Remembrance Flag, go to www.911remembranceflag.com.